Help Put Land Back in Native Hands.
support the Be•le Bo•m Land Back Initiative.

We are actively working to buy back a culturally and historically significant 1,200 acre property as a critical part of our community development plans. This property will serve as one of two key campuses for “Acornomics” -  our Indigenous regenerative economic framework. In addition to Əl Kulus (The Granary): An Indigenous-led Community Resilience Center, this larger property will be a learning and traditional practice site, perfect for traditional food and fiber gathering and processing. The community is eager to protect and care for existing cultural sites, and preserve the open land for wildlife. Help us put Land Back into Native Hands.

Be•le Bo•m, the Wintu phrase “Forever will it be/remain” symbolizes the strength, potential, and renewal that lie at the heart of our mission - to advance Indigenous-led pathways for a just and vibrant community.


Rooted in the lands of Wintu and Yana territories in Bella Vista, Shasta County, Native Roots Network is engaged in a transformative journey to build a more resilient community. The land we are seeking to secure lies within a rural, predominately poor area that is facing ever-increasing threats of extreme heat, catastrophic wildfires, and dangerous reactionary political unrest that all test the vulnerability and limited resilience of our social fabric. Our efforts to reweave the social fabric and build community are more important than ever. We know that Indigenous values of collective action, multi-generational movement building and earth based cultures provide pathways for the entire community to become more just and vibrant.

The property in our sight is more than just land—it is a place to build out the vision. The 1,200-acre ranch is a place that still holds undisturbed cultural sites, space for housing, ecosystems for traditional food sovereignty, land restoration, and the nurturing of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (T.E.K.). These all will converge to form a living, breathing place where the principles of Indigenous stewardship and regenerative enterprise can be expressed.